Prank Calls can be a lot of fun, but not when you're sitting there waiting for a decent idea to spring up. It can get very boring.
As you can probably recall, these sort of pranks calls usually end up turning into very unconvincing stories, silly amounts of laughter and the phone being slammed down by the other person more or less straight away, which is no fun.
The most convincing and rewarding prank calls arise from keeping your "victim" on the phone for as long as possible, thereby making them believe that every word you are saying is true and generally making them looking like a bit of a buffoon.
Prank call masters know what it takes in order to pull the most outrageous pranks off. Read on to find out how you can too using our special formula.
Prank Call Examples
There are a lot of prank call videos on YouTube, but apart from being fun to watch, they won't help you generate your own prank ideas by themselves, and trying to replicate a prank call seen elsewhere will often sound false.
What you need is a formula...
A formula is very useful in this situation because it will allow you to plug in your own ideas under the different headings below and come up with something that will go down a treat. A good way to explain how the formula works is to refer to an actual prank call, which we will do below.
The Headings
Introduction - Introduce Yourself.
They say it's important to make a good first impression. Well the same goes for creating a good prank call.
You need to captivate your "victim" and make them curious. Saying something out of the blue or random during the first 5 seconds will usually sound the alarms and will either cause them to hang up or get angry and then hang up!
The conversation has to be very believable. Watch this video on YouTube to see what I mean (Come back though!) -
The pranksters start by introducing themselves with phony names to add credibility and start the conversation off.
Create a situation.
Make your "victim" curious and interested in what you are saying. Engage them in easy to understand conversation and listen to their reaction. This allows you to build a topic for the call and also explore their limits aswell. It's really an extension of the introduction.
Listen to how the pranksters start talking about the new local school that is about to open...
Ask some questions.
Asking simple and non private questions work well to get them talking. This is the key foundation work to build up credibility. Only ask questions after you've followed the above introductions, otherwise most people will get paranoid and hang up or act closed, which is not something you want to deal with during a prank call.
Remember the goal of the prank is to reel your "victim" in and then eventually humiliate them in some way. See how the pranksters in the video get the man talking with some simple questions and innocent conversation and smoothly make the transition to the actual windup thay have in store.
Making the transition.
A good way to bridge the gap between innocent conversation and your outrageous line-up is to bring in the element of confusion. If you watched the video you will have heard this transition start at about 2:26.
A soon as they react with surprise, it's time to increase the heat and pile on the humiliation.
Unleashing the prank.
Now that you've reached this stage of the prank call, it's time to have some fun.
You can now say outrageous things, ask strange questions and listen to the responses whilst the person still actually believes it's a genuine call.
There are many options available from here, but remember, the more convincing, the more you can get away with and the more fun you will have.
The best way to prepare for a prank call is to write the headlings down on a piece of paper and use bullet points to act as a quick reference if you get lost.
source by articlecity
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Saturday, March 3, 2012
How to Get Revenge on Your Ex in 1 Easy Step
Breaking up from any relationship can be hard, and sometimes it can't be avoided or you grow apart for whatever reason; and that’s easier to accept; easier than if you ended on a bad note or worse still, there were lies or cheating involved.
If you're reading this article then it's likely that you have bad feelings about your breakup, especially if you were lied to or still don't know what happened, leaving a feeling of hurt and betrayal.
So what can you do?
Well first of all, putting aside your feelings for a second may reveal that all you want is for them to feel the same they made you feel, rather than win them back. After all, do you really want to date someone who is untrustworthy?
If you have a sense of humour, then you're in luck, but if you haven't you might want to get one before you read on...
Humiliation is a great way to get back at your ex, but in order to be successful you have to be convincing. Any element of "being discovered" is probably going to humiliate you more than them.
If you know the person, it's even harder to be convincing because there will always be something in the back of your mind that asks "what if he/she knows it's me?" Loser springs to mind.
So how can you be a winner instead of a loser and give them the humiliation they deserve?>
One great way is to use a prank call to humiliate your ex.
You may be thinking: “I’ve searched for ways to get back at my ex and this is the great solution? This sucks.”
But don't be so fast.
You may or may not have heard of the special prank call services that actually “listen in” to what your "victim" says and respond accordingly, whilst you listen in secretly and anonymously to their reaction.
Essentially these services use Artificial Intelligence technology along with professional voice actors to provide you with incredibly realistic automated prank calls that will have them fooled every time.
You may already have many ideas on how to get revenge on your ex, but one of the most effective pranks is definitely the wind up call from the sexual disease clinic…
Give your ex a prank call from a doctor at the sexual disease clinic.
Your ex will receive a phone call from a doctor at the sexual disease clinic saying that they have been named by an ex partner, and there is a strong possibility of them having contracted the dreadful Zachary Syndrome? It's not pretty and has an unusually painful treatment...
The prank call goes on to ask a series of embarrassing questions about their love life, and because they think they were named by an ex partner, you won't believe the honest answers you will hear!
The questions are specifically constructed to keep your ex talking and answering the dodgy questions they are being asked, which become more and more outrageous as the call goes on.
The neat thing about this particular prank is that it is so convincing that you may get your ex to reveal things that you didn’t even know, and if they cheated on you they will be very worried indeed!
So if you feel this is exactly what they deserve, then you should consider the sexual disease clinic prank…
You won't have to worry about laughing out loud and blowing the whole prank either because they can't hear you. In fact, it’s a great time to put your phone on loudspeaker for maximum humiliation!
source by articlecity
If you're reading this article then it's likely that you have bad feelings about your breakup, especially if you were lied to or still don't know what happened, leaving a feeling of hurt and betrayal.
So what can you do?
Well first of all, putting aside your feelings for a second may reveal that all you want is for them to feel the same they made you feel, rather than win them back. After all, do you really want to date someone who is untrustworthy?
If you have a sense of humour, then you're in luck, but if you haven't you might want to get one before you read on...
Humiliation is a great way to get back at your ex, but in order to be successful you have to be convincing. Any element of "being discovered" is probably going to humiliate you more than them.
If you know the person, it's even harder to be convincing because there will always be something in the back of your mind that asks "what if he/she knows it's me?" Loser springs to mind.
So how can you be a winner instead of a loser and give them the humiliation they deserve?>
One great way is to use a prank call to humiliate your ex.
You may be thinking: “I’ve searched for ways to get back at my ex and this is the great solution? This sucks.”
But don't be so fast.
You may or may not have heard of the special prank call services that actually “listen in” to what your "victim" says and respond accordingly, whilst you listen in secretly and anonymously to their reaction.
Essentially these services use Artificial Intelligence technology along with professional voice actors to provide you with incredibly realistic automated prank calls that will have them fooled every time.
You may already have many ideas on how to get revenge on your ex, but one of the most effective pranks is definitely the wind up call from the sexual disease clinic…
Give your ex a prank call from a doctor at the sexual disease clinic.
Your ex will receive a phone call from a doctor at the sexual disease clinic saying that they have been named by an ex partner, and there is a strong possibility of them having contracted the dreadful Zachary Syndrome? It's not pretty and has an unusually painful treatment...
The prank call goes on to ask a series of embarrassing questions about their love life, and because they think they were named by an ex partner, you won't believe the honest answers you will hear!
The questions are specifically constructed to keep your ex talking and answering the dodgy questions they are being asked, which become more and more outrageous as the call goes on.
The neat thing about this particular prank is that it is so convincing that you may get your ex to reveal things that you didn’t even know, and if they cheated on you they will be very worried indeed!
So if you feel this is exactly what they deserve, then you should consider the sexual disease clinic prank…
You won't have to worry about laughing out loud and blowing the whole prank either because they can't hear you. In fact, it’s a great time to put your phone on loudspeaker for maximum humiliation!
source by articlecity
Automated Prank Calls using A.I. Technology?
If you're the sort of person who likes to make prank calls and wind people up in general you'll probably be aware of the many prank call sites on the internet, offering a choice of automated phone windups to play anytime.
The thing is, like every category of services, picking the best site to run with can sometimes be a challenge.
Obviously, the best prank calls are the most convincing, and to achieve convincing prank calls you will need to make sure the prank call service itself is the real deal.
After all, the fun is in reeling someone in and humiliating them at the end right?
But you won't find out if you're "victim" hangs up! You would have just wasted you're money for nothing.
So how can you make sure you're getting the best?
There are 2 main types of automated prank calls service. One is a simple recorded prank call system which plays a recording to your victim hoping that it will achieve a response, but in reality is not credible at all and usually gets picked up on right away. Not much use.
The other uses Artificial Intelligence technology to actually interact with what your victim says just like a normal conversation. The system also "knows" when to take breaks and let them speak and when to ask different questions depending on their reaction. This is the type you want. This type of service also allows you to listen in secretly to your victim's reaction and they won't be able to hear you laugh out loud!
Prank Call Services that use this A.I. technology usually offer a much higher standard & wider range of prank calls to choose from, using professional voice actors to produce them.
When it comes to choosing a Prank Call Site, make sure you only use the best. After all, it's no fun when the person you are calling hangs up the phone after a few seconds is it?
source by articlecity
The thing is, like every category of services, picking the best site to run with can sometimes be a challenge.
Obviously, the best prank calls are the most convincing, and to achieve convincing prank calls you will need to make sure the prank call service itself is the real deal.
After all, the fun is in reeling someone in and humiliating them at the end right?
But you won't find out if you're "victim" hangs up! You would have just wasted you're money for nothing.
So how can you make sure you're getting the best?
There are 2 main types of automated prank calls service. One is a simple recorded prank call system which plays a recording to your victim hoping that it will achieve a response, but in reality is not credible at all and usually gets picked up on right away. Not much use.
The other uses Artificial Intelligence technology to actually interact with what your victim says just like a normal conversation. The system also "knows" when to take breaks and let them speak and when to ask different questions depending on their reaction. This is the type you want. This type of service also allows you to listen in secretly to your victim's reaction and they won't be able to hear you laugh out loud!
Prank Call Services that use this A.I. technology usually offer a much higher standard & wider range of prank calls to choose from, using professional voice actors to produce them.
When it comes to choosing a Prank Call Site, make sure you only use the best. After all, it's no fun when the person you are calling hangs up the phone after a few seconds is it?
source by articlecity
How to Be Friends With a Lesbian
- 1Consider why your friend's orientation would even matter to you. Does it change your opinion of her? Do you have some fears or preconceptions about lesbians that make you feel uncomfortable? Or perhaps you have romantic feelings towards her?
- 2If you're female, don't assume she is attracted to you. You're not attracted to all guys just because you're attracted to guys. She's not attracted to all women just because she's lesbian.
- 3Treat her like you do everybody else. They're people too.
- 4Respect her privacy, if she doesn't want people to know she's lesbian. But if she's open about it, don't hide it from anyone, because that could make her think you're ashamed of her somehow.
How to Be Friends With a Boy
- 1Choose the boy/girl you want to befriend make sure you have an acquaintance level.If you are enemies say sorry and make sure he forgives you
- 2Chat.Find common interests between each other if he/she likes something you don't say politely I'm really not into that can we talk about something else? if he says no don't change just because he likes it and you don't
- 3Spend time with each other during breaks. use the time to socialize pretty much after you do this you both want to do it again
- 4make him/her laugh nothing beats a friend if laughter is around
- 5don't change your personality boys/girls don't like it if you try to become more like him/her it's best to stay unique
- 6Boys/girls like girls/boys who know how to express their feelings more than through saying yay or awe man. Boys/girls like girls/boys who are funny
- 7If you and your friend are following these steps correctly you are both on your way to a perfect friendship!
- 8make sure not to get in to a relationship too quickly. boys/girls will think your in a rush to get it going on
source by wikihow
How to Be Friends With You
- 1Go walking everyday. This may sound odd but trust me it will help. it gives you time alone.
- 2Listen to music as you walk. This takes your mind off of things. Try to forget you're outside. Pretend you're at home alone and no one can see you. Have fun.
- 3Dance as on walk. This will be hard at first, but it's fun and it helps you not care so much about the bad of the world.
- 4Don't look in the mirror. Looking at yourself right now will only make you feel bad so don't.
- 5Say to yourself everyday. "I am beautiful and people love me." Say it till you know it is true.
- 6Look in a mirror once a day and say I love me.
- 7Compliments are a good thing. When someone says you look nice they mean it even if you can't see it.
- 8Do things you love and are good at and have fun in life.
- 9Also remember. There is only one of you. No one else can ever be as good of a you as you can. You are great and beautiful inside and out.
source by wikihow
How to Be Friends With the Most Popular Older Girls
- 1Befriend all of the popular girls (and guys) on Facebook
- 2"Like" a few of their pictures of themselves and say something like "omg gorgeous!"
- 3When one of them are on, say "Hey." but the say "omg sorry; wrong person!" They'll most likely say "lol its ok." You: "Thanks. I've seen you around school and your really gorgeous!!" Them: "Awwww... Thank you too!!" You can then start a conversation.
- 4If you know that a few people do after-school activities, join them!
- 5Say hi. Just don't stalk.
source by wikihow
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