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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Draw Voldemort


  1. 1
    Draw a circle and a half oval.
     Draw a circle and a half oval.
    Draw a circle and a half oval. Sketch in guidelines. This will help you draw the facial features in the next step.

  2. 2
    Add important features.
     Add important features.
    Add important features. This includes Voldemort's eyes, mouth and ears. Just put two slits for the nose.
  3. 3
    Add in more detail.
     Add in more detail.
    Add in more detail. Remember that Voldemort has no hair whatsoever.
  4. 4
    Outline your drawing with permanent media such as ink or painting.
     Outline your drawing with permanent media such as ink or painting.
    Outline your drawing with permanent media such as ink or painting. If you want, you can also add shadows and highlights to make it more realistic. Make sure to erase all your pencil guidelines.
  5. 5
    Color the drawing if you wish.
     Color the drawing if you wish.
    Color the drawing if you wish. Keep his coloring very pale!

    source by wikihow 

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