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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Android in Netbeans free download

Android in Netbeans

18 steps , it is :
  1. Install NetBeans and Android SDK
  2. Download NetBeans IDE 6.8 from the following link
  3. The previous versions of NetBeans does not support Android
  4. Download android from the following link: 
  5. Open the Android SDK folder and run the installation file.
  6. Installing Android plugin for NetBeans.
  7. The android plugin for Netbeans is called "nbandroid".
  8. Open NetBeans->tools->plugins->settings.
  9. In settings check 3rd party plugins and then click on add.
  10. In the update centre customizer window type name as "nbandroid".
  11. Add the following link in the URL field and click
  12. OK
  13. Adding the Android Platform After you have installed the plugins, you have to add your android platform.
  14. Go to tools->java platforms.
  15. click on "add platform".
  16. Select the radio button "Google Android open handheld
  17. platform" and click next.
  18. Specify the path of Android SDK and click OK.

source by locesh

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