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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Cisco Systems' CRS-3 router is changing the Internet

If you believe the hype, and judging by the reactions coming in regarding Cisco's recent announcement of the new CRS-3 router most people are very receptive to it, then CISCO has introduced the next great advancement in routing solutions and will be taking the internet to heights never before seen.  It is said that with this new technology in place, some incredible things can be accomplished in mere seconds instead of hours or days.  How about the entire printed works in the Library of Congress in under a second?  Pretty remarkable.  Every person in the country of China being able to make a video call at the same time without issue.  Completely unheard of.  Even every movie ever created streamed in less than four minutes total.  All these facts are completely astounding and make one wonder in amazement at what could be accomplished with this new technology in place.  With that said, let us take a closer look at the CRS-3 and what makes it the router that will change the Internet.
First off, just what every big business owner wants to here is what value that the new technology will bring to his or her companies.  Sure it will make things faster, but at what cost to the business and ultimately to the consumer.  It is touted to deliver up to sixty percent savings on power consumption when compared to other competitors on the market today.  That can be a significant savings right there.  Add to this the fact that there are capital expenditure savings, which occur for customers that used the last generation CRS-1, and you have even more added savings.  This particular savings takes place when qualified CISCO employees come in and do the upgrade to the new system and use existing pieces of the old CRS-1 technology so as to save money on unneeded new part expenditures.  Finally there is also investment protection offered for existing CRS-1 customers as well, so the company can have piece of mind that should something fail, CISCO will be there to take care of it.
Hey, finances are not all of the equation though.  The CRS-3 must bring more to the table to bring the next generation of Internet to the table and it certainly does bring much more.  Any IT person knows that scalability is another huge factor to consider when making purchases of this type and CISCO answers the bell here too.  Their multi-channel architecture can deliver up to an incredible 322-terabyte capacity when fully

upgraded.  Whether a company would ever need to go up to that level remains to be seen, but it is nice to know that you have that capability in place should the need ever arise.  What the CRS-3 router has done is more than triple the capacity that was available in its own CRS-1 technology as well as increased by twelve times the amount of capacity that its nearest non-CISCO rival can offer in the same technology area.  When you think of the foothold that continues to give CISCO within this industry you understand why they remain on top. Any new product that makes the claims that the CRS-3 make have to incorporate innovation into their equation as well and CISCO has done this as well.  Within the CRS-3 framework is their new QuantumFlow Array Processor, which is really quite remarkable in what it does.  It takes the processing power of six chips and gets it to function like it were one which gives it processing power not seen before its onset.  It also does all of this at a fraction of the power that is needed by chipsets were function in lesser capacities.  In other words it gives the consumer the scalability to keep up with the ever-growing demands being placed on it in this information era.
All these great things are impressive, but as they say in Missouri, show me!  People want examples of this product successfully working somewhere for them to go invest in such technology.  If that is what you seek, just ask AT&T.  AT&T is a company that all to well knows how things are ever changing and how they must continually improve to be able to keep up with the fast paced demands of businesses and consumers alike.  To this end, they partnered with CISCO to test out this new router in a testing venture where they were undertaking the world's first field test of 100-Gigabit backbone network technology. This test, which was run on an actual live AT&T network within the United States, went off without a hitch and helped them to advance development of the next generation of backbone network technology.
Obviously there are the pundits out there who will either talk down the product or its capabilities.  Some are saying sure its a great product but if some regulation of the cable operators and telecom companies is not undertaken, then there efforts will be useless and those companies will continue to extort money through rate hikes.  Others down play the numbers put out by CISCO talking about their maximum capacity only being reached by tieing together unrealistic amounts of their product that no company would ever have the need for.  CISCO though will obviously keep doing though what they always have, which is to put out quality products that try to increase the capacity for all to do their jobs or enjoy themselves at home.  Let's hope for the increased productivity of all that companies give them the chance to accomplish this.  The Internet will be a much happier and faster place to be!

source by helium

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