change language in blog

Friday, November 18, 2011

language C part 1

/ / Second day
introduction of the compiler and the IDE installation of the C language,

understanding of the compiler

perangkan compiler is software that serves to change the language into machine language so that pemerograman can be understood by computers. While the difference when compared with the interpreter is on the compiler, the compiler must first compile the source code into an executable file (*. exe, *. com, and so on) while the interpreter will immediately execute the source code without having to convert it into an executable first.

C language IDE installation

here I will be using DEV-C + + because in addition to open-source (free), the application is also easy in can download it at / devcpp.html
how to install Dev-C + +:

press here

/ / The third day
write Source Code "Hello world"

after you install the application DEV-C + + will open the new file or ctrl + n, and write the source code the following:

/ / hello world application
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
court <<"hello world \ n";
system ("pause");
return 0;

You can then save the file, then run or F9 will display CMD with writing hello world.
I congratulate to you because you've managed to create a simple application based on C language

God willing we lanjutin again tomorrow huh?

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