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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ate procedures Sunnah apostle

ate procedures Sunnah apostle

Indeed in the Messenger of Allah self-contained a good role model for us, then it would lose if we abandon or forget Sunnah, which contained a lot of goodness in it, And goodness it comes with a way to follow what docontohkan by the Prophet and his Companions . And one good example in the self Allah is his manners when eating.
        Often we meet at the Muslims in ways that do not eat according to the ethics that have been docontohkan by the Prophet , perhaps because science has not reached them or because I was lazy and perhaps because of reluctance to do so. The adab adab-eating is often forgotten is as follows:

1. eating congregation
Gathered to face the congregation and the food dish is a recommended for the Muslims on the side will get priority based on the following hadith:
'Berjama'ahlah in hidanganmu eat and call the name of God to him, will undoubtedly contain bless you. (Saheeh hadiths pedigree no. 664).

This hadith is reported by the Prophet with respect to a person who came to him and said: Messenger of Allah, we are at each meal is never satiated. Then the Prophet said: "Surely you eat each on their own. He said: O Messenger of Allah is true. Prophet said: "Berjama'ahlah in eating food."
The above hadith ordered that every time we eat in order to gather a circle on a tray of food and not eating alone, eating alone because it will make the addition to each person who eats it will not be satisfied (as said above Companions) also did not get the blessing / adequacy. Because adequacy will be obtained by eating together, although the number of participants growing food, as the Prophet said: "Eat congregation and do not be crumbled, in fact one person was enough food for two people".
"Surely one person enough food for two people two people enough food for three or four people and four people enough food for five or six people. (Genealogy of authentic hadiths no. 895).

2. Eat using Shahfah / Qash 'ah [1] (tray) and on a bed.
Eating congregation on a bed by using Shahfah is one of the Sunnah of the Prophet   to be followed, while the meal on the table by using Sukurrajah is a way of eating should be avoided. Anas bin Malik said: "The Prophet is not eating meals on the table and did not use Sukurrajah (Narrated by Tirmidhi in Syamail, Sahih Bukhari, no. 5386 in the book Fathul Bari 9 / 532).
Ibn Hajar said: "Our teacher says in (Sharh at-Tirmidhi): 'Sukurrajah was not used because they (the Prophet and the Companions) never use it, because their habit of eating together (with Shahfa-pent) or by eating with using sukurrajah it makes them not feel full. (al-Fath 9 / 532).

3. Taking the bite down.
The Prophet said: "If any one of you eat, then suapannya fell from his hand, let it clean what is dirty and ate him, and he let it to do (eat) the devil. (Saheeh hadiths pedigree) no. 1404). This hadith teaches us not to waste the food that is by not letting food fall to eat the devil.

4. Licking food and shahfah.
"And do not he rubbed his hands with Mindil / napkin let him lick her hand, because someone did not know at which food containing a blessing for him, the real devil is always lurking to seize property to people from all over the place eating. And do not lick it up shohfahnya up by hand, because actually at the end of the foods that contain a blessing. (Genealogy of authentic hadiths no. 1404). Said Imam Nawawi, about the meaning kaliamat "The food which is blessed." He said: Surely that was served for human food it contains a blessing, while he did not know whether it's a blessing on the food he ate the leftovers or inherent in his hand or on the remaining food in or on the bite shahfah fall. For that let this keep it all in order to always get a blessing. (Fathul Bari 9 / 578).

5. Wiping food with Mindil [2]
The Prophet said: "Do not rub his hands with Mindil up to lick his hand .."
This hadith suggests to us that every finished licking his hand to wipe it with a napkin, not in others such as a towel or tisue (paper thin). Ibn Hajar said: "Hadith above contain restrictions for people who have a towel but do not wipe hands with him and also contains a prohibition against the use in others. (Fathul Bari 9 / 557).

6. Rinse his mouth after eating
'Ali bin Abdullah has told us, Sufyan told us: "I have heard from Yahya ibn Said ibn Yasar Busyair of Suwaid bin Nu'man said:" We came out with the Prophet to Khaibar. When we reached the Shahba, the Prophet invited to eat, and do not serve food except wheat, then we eat (together). Then he stood up to run a prayer, then he rinsed her mouth, and we also rinse his mouth. (Narrated by Bukhari, no. 5445 in al-Fath 9 / 576).

note :
[1] Qash'ah is a great dish to feed ten people while Shahfah is a great dish to feed five people (Syama'il Muhammadiyah, ch. How to eat the Prophet r). The Sukurrajah is a small plate that is usually used to feed young children. (Fathul Bari 9 / 532).

[2] Mindil is the cloth used to wipe hands and not finished eating cloth used to wipe the body after bath. (Fathul Bari 5 / 577).

source by edvan 

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