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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sleep mode to emulate the Prophet Muhammad

Sleep mode to emulate the Prophet Muhammad

Has existed on the (self) that the Messenger of good role models for you, (ie) for people who expect (grace) of God and the (arrival) Day of Resurrection and Allah much. (Surat al-Ahzab: 33: 21).

Everything that exemplified or ordered by the Prophet Muhammad would have many benefits and goodness. Because according to position him as Uswatun hasanah, is not he doing or talking but at the direction and guidance of God, not because of lust or his own.

One of a custom which is exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad who mudah2an not difficult for us to imitate is, is he always slept in a state of purity. That is, the Prophet always ablution before going to bed. This was revealed in the hadith of Sahih Bukhari as follows.:

From Al-Bara 'bin Azib ra, he said: "The Prophet SAW said to me," If you want to come to your bed, then as you wudhuk berwudhuklah for prayer. Then go to sleep right above your shoulder ".

Then I wondered what could benefit or fadhilah ablution before going to sleep? The lesson can be known from the hadeeth narrated by At-Tirmidhi and Ibn As-Sunni:
"Those who go to bed in a state of purity while remembering Allah until he fell asleep (defeated by sleepiness), then do not miss a single moment all night, if he asked for the good of the world and the hereafter to God, but surely will be given".

Sleeping habits of the Prophet Muhammad was followed also by the habit of reading other al-mu'awwidzatain and meniupkannya ketelapak his hand, then rubbed the body. This is based on authentic hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim:
"From 'A'ishah, he said: Verily the Messenger of Allah, when he was in bed, with his mouth he blew his hands and read al-mu'awwidzatain, and wiped his body with his hands that".

Another hadith regarding this are as follows.:
"Verily the Prophet, when occupying his bed each night, he himpunkan the palms of his hands, then she blow with his mouth, then he read to them (the letters) Qulhuwallaahuahad, Qula'uudzubirabbilfalaq and Qula'uudzu-birabbinnaas. Then he brush his palms were limited ability throughout the body, starting from the head, face and body parts next to the front. He did as much as three times. "(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

Still there are various kinds of remembrance and prayer taught by the Messenger of Allah who deserve for us to do when going to sleep. Overall it is for the good of his people. But what is presented on this occasion is quite simple and hopefully not hard to emulate. May we be encouraged and facilitated by Allah SWT to always follow the Sunnah Prophet Muhammad.

To end this brief taklim, so we are just as motivated to follow the Sunnah in terms of sleep, let us refer to mean two following hadith:
"Surely if a person wants to sleep Compete angel and devil. The angel said "God end this person with kindness". While the devil said, "End this person with a crime". So if he had remembrance of Allah Ta'ala then sleep, Stay angels guard "(History Ibnus Sunni).

From Ibn 'Umar, said: Prophet Muhammad has said:

"Whoever slept at night in a state of purity, then the angels will keep abreast of, and when he woke up, surely angels would say 'Allahummaghfirli' abdika Fulani, fainnahu brick thahiran (O Allah, forgive your servant's so and so, because he slept at night in a state holy) "(Reported by Ibn Hiban).

May we always obtain guidance and help of God Almighty to be able to mimic the habits of the Prophet Muhammad. Aamiin

1. Abduh Zulfidar Akaha; ”160 Kebiasaan Nabi SAW”
2. Imam An-Nawawi; ”Al-Adzkar”
3. Imam Hafiz Zakiuddin Abdul Azim; “At-targhib Wat-tarhib Minal ahaditsisy Syarif (Terjemahan Drs. M. Thalib “Pedoman Bertakarrub kepada Allah”)
source by alfauzian

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